crypto.hkdf(digest, ikm, salt, info, keylen, callback)

HKDF 是 RFC 5869 中定义的简单密钥派生函数。 给定的 ikmsaltinfodigest 一起使用以导出 keylen 字节的密钥。

提供的 callback 函数使用两个参数调用:errderivedKey。 如果在派生密钥时发生错误,则将设置 err;否则 err 将是 null。 成功生成的 derivedKey 将作为 <ArrayBuffer> 传给回调。 如果任何输入参数指定了无效的值或类型,则会抛出错误。

import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
const {
} = await import('node:crypto');

hkdf('sha512', 'key', 'salt', 'info', 64, (err, derivedKey) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log(Buffer.from(derivedKey).toString('hex'));  // '24156e2...5391653'
});const {
} = require('node:crypto');
const { Buffer } = require('node:buffer');

hkdf('sha512', 'key', 'salt', 'info', 64, (err, derivedKey) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log(Buffer.from(derivedKey).toString('hex'));  // '24156e2...5391653'

HKDF is a simple key derivation function defined in RFC 5869. The given ikm, salt and info are used with the digest to derive a key of keylen bytes.

The supplied callback function is called with two arguments: err and derivedKey. If an errors occurs while deriving the key, err will be set; otherwise err will be null. The successfully generated derivedKey will be passed to the callback as an <ArrayBuffer>. An error will be thrown if any of the input arguments specify invalid values or types.

import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer';
const {
} = await import('node:crypto');

hkdf('sha512', 'key', 'salt', 'info', 64, (err, derivedKey) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log(Buffer.from(derivedKey).toString('hex'));  // '24156e2...5391653'
});const {
} = require('node:crypto');
const { Buffer } = require('node:buffer');

hkdf('sha512', 'key', 'salt', 'info', 64, (err, derivedKey) => {
  if (err) throw err;
  console.log(Buffer.from(derivedKey).toString('hex'));  // '24156e2...5391653'